Friday, September 16, 2011


"Do not mis-quote me!"-Rob Larson

My reaction. I will try...i think i just did tho.

Week Tres Quote
"Can three billion people be wrong?" (refering to the 3 billion followers of the christian faith)

This made me really think.  Ive been grown up believing in the christian faith my whole life and one of the things that always made me know im following the right belief was that there was so many people that also belived but this made me think that we could all be wrong...which would kind of suck.

Week numbero 4
"This is like christmas for me!" (talking about our presentations)
It sounds like you had some pretty weird christmases growing up...just saying.

Week number 5
"I like to litter!"
ME TOO! i feel like it adds color to the world

Week Number 6
"These arn't mine..." (Refereeing to the pack of cigarettes)
Its ok to admit rob...everyone has a habit.

Thursday, September 15, 2011

The old forms of media

1. Hieroglyphics-Egypt- 300 BC

Egyptian hieroglyphs were a formal writing system used by the ancient Egyptians that combined logographic andalphabetic elements. Egyptians used cursive hieroglyphs for religious literature on papyrus and wood. Less formal variations of the script, called hieratic and demotic, are technically not hieroglyphs.
2. Cave drawings-Everywhere- Along time ago
3. Hand signals-Everywhere- Along time ago
4.Smoke Signals- North America/China- 150 BC
5.Greek Hydraulic telegraph- Greece- 4th Century BC
hydraulic telegraph was one of two hydraulic-telegraphic telecommunication systems, one developed in 4th century BC Greece, and the other in 19th century AD Britain. The Greek system was deployed in combination with semaphoric fires, while the latter British system was purely hydraulic.
Although both systems employed water in their sending and receiver devices, their transmission media were completely different. The ancient Greek system transmitted its semaphoric information to the receiver visually, which limited its use to line-of-sight distances in good visibility weather conditions only. 

6. Carrier Pigeons-USA/Europe- WW1/WW2
A carrier pigeon is a homing pigeon (specifically a domesticated rock pigeonColumba livia) that is used to carry messages. Using pigeons to carry messages is generally called "pigeon post". Most homing or racing type varieties are used to carry messages. There is no specific breed actually called "carrier pigeon". Carrier pigeons that are the basic Racing Homer were used to carry messages in World War I and World War II. Thirty-two pigeons were presented with the Dickin Medal.

7. Telegraph-USA-1800s
8. Mail delivered by horse- Everywhere-1500's
9. Newspaper(printed)-USA-1700's